Friday 4 May 2012

Sorry :/

Sorry I haven't written in ages... been kinda busy I guess!
I'll write more blogs tomorrow, gonna go to sleep now. Goodnight (or good morning) world!
B x

Wednesday 7 March 2012


Kony- you may have heard it. Hopefully you have heard it, world.
In Uganda, the LRA(Lord's Resistance Army) are abducting young children from their beds, and them taking them back. They use the as sex slaves, they rape them, turn them into child soldiers, giving them weapons and telling them to mutate other children's faces, and telling them to kill their parents.
And who's behind all of this? JOSEPH KONY. The LRA's leader.
He is the world's most wanted criminal, and evil sadistic man who MUST be stopped.
MAKE HIM FAMOUS. To send troups in Uganda to stop Kony, the US government have to be shown that the people care enough. If there's not enough publicity, then the operation STOP KONY will be cancelled.
Here's what you have to do:
If you haven't heard of him, I URGE you to look it up.
Here's the link to the website:
Here's a youtube link:
If you have facebook, like the Invisible children's link. Join any group you can.
If you have twitter, tweet, hashtag( no1. trend in England at the moment) and favorite anything to do with Kony.
Also, on April 20th, make sure you attend "Cover the Night" in your local area. "Cover the Night" is basically putting up flyers, posters, stickers or anything to do with Kony.  MAKE HIM FAMOUS.
When the world wakes up on saturday morning, it will be covered with Kony so EVERYONE will know who he is.
Get the action kit (available from the invisible children's website) to raise more awareness.
STOP this bastard. STOP him before he abducts anymore children. If the world supports this, we can track him down and make him stop!
KONY 2012- Bring down the World's Number 1 Criminal!
B x

Friday 2 March 2012

Where is the love?

I know that I'm not the most optimistic person in the world (after reading my blogs), but something I feel quite strongly about is: Where is the freaking love?
World, quite recently I have come to a revelation. As I am writing this, I am going through this revelation.
It may be quite hard not to bitch about somebody, or have total patience with everyone. But, why are we hating each other? We are all the same species, with the same organs and the same minds.
Take 9/11. World wars 1 and 2. Somalia. Afghanistan. Iraq. Pakistan. Slavery. Kidnapping. Etc. Come on people, why so much death? Why so much hate for yourself? Why so many assumptions.
One of my favorite quotes is:
"But if you only have love for your own race, Then you only leave place to discriminate, and to discriminate only generates hate"
For any other Black Eyed Peas fans, you would know that that quote comes from "Where is the love". If you don't know that song, then I urge you to look it up on
Seriously world, what is with all this discrimination and hate? As humans, we should all love each other and care for one another.
If you can't see my point, I really would like you to read a poem called "Desiderata", it actually changed my life.
World, respect each other!
B x

Wednesday 29 February 2012


Okay, so many people have different views on school. I used to like my school, until it changed. It used to be about learning in a safe, happy environment where students could absorb as much knowledge as possible while having a good time. 
Now all they give a damn about is whether our uniform is correct and how our behavior is. Behavior should always be good, but they expect us to be as silent as before time began. 
World, today I had an assembly on learning. They told us that they try to make it as "fun as possible" for us. Personally, I think it would be more fun listening to all of Justin Bieber's albums. And believe me, that is NOT fun. 
The point I'm trying to make world, is that this government is corrupt. Well at least the school systems are.  I had unit 1 Biology, Chemistry and Physics exams in January, and believe me half the stuff that we learnt  on the curriculum wasn't on that exam. Especially for Chemistry. The chemistry exam really annoyed me, because it showed just how low then exam board (AQA) has gotten to be. I was going through a GCSE EXAM and I didn't know half of the stuff in it, I was that clueless. 
I dunno, all I know is that schools and exams have changed for the worse, and the lessons are actually very depressing, especially in Years 9 and 10. 
I mean, how fun is educating children about the Holocaust by taking them to museums and making them stand in carts that actual victims stood in? Yes it may be important and interesting to know but it's not exactly fun or child friendly is it? 
Also, educating children of ages 14 and 15 about Euthanasia isn't really going to help us. Or about christian views on abortion. 
I'll go into this more on the next blog. Tell me what you think! 
B x

Wednesday 22 February 2012


Yeah baby back in miserable England. Not too bad, but I would MUCH rather prefer being in the sunny mountains, skiing down a perfectly piested black run in the French Alps right now.
But what was that saying world? All good things must eventually come to and end. 
So, a lot of things have been going down since I've been away. E.g. Whitney Houston. 
That's pretty sad news actually, I was a fan of her music. She just fell for the dark side of fame I guess. 
R.I.P. Whitney! 
But you know who also died? That dude from the original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (Charlie's Granddad). To be honest with you, I'm just as upset about that then I am about Whitney Houston dying. 
Also it was Valentines Day, not to bothered really. It's just another day to get chocolates (if you're taken) and get fatter and to be depressed (if you're single). Plus, Valentines Day is was to commercialized nowadays. 
Sigh. Life is tough right world? Difference is that there's a way of dealing with it to make it less tough. If you moan about it, it's hardly gonna get better is it? Take chances in your hands- don't waste a perfectly good opportunity just because you're afraid. 
Oh how wise I am ;)
Post later! 
B x

Monday 6 February 2012

Cheesy American twats

I hate them. Especially in shows.
I've been watching American shows (e.g. Vampire Diaries, Glee) for a long time now, and it's only watching a repeat that I realize how shit these shows actually are. No offense to all the cool Americans out there like the one from my school.
Take Glee for instance. Some of the crap they come up with is classic. I still like it, but only because it's funny to watch.
I'm not generalizing the American public, because I love most Americans. Just the ones that poison my ears and make me bleed from my eyes aren't so brilliant.
World, what shows do you watch? I really hope it's the good old fashioned shows.
Like Friends. Oh my God, that show is a master piece. I have watched Friends god knows how many times and I never get bored of it.
Now THAT is an example of an amazing show. Not this South Park shite.
B x

Sunday 5 February 2012

Snow in England

Unheard of! Of course there's no snow in England.
But alas, it has come! Quite thick as well. Is it just me or did Charlie Sheen just sneeze?
But when did it come world?
Sodding saturday night. I'm still grateful for it, but I think it's a day early. Thing is though, I know that school will still be open tomorrow. My school is open in a hurricane, this is nothing.
Its that sort of snow that's not enough to get us off school, but just enough to be a pain in the ass.
Oh well, who doesn't love snow? But I know that some dick heads in my school will be throwing snowballs, chucking ice at each other and other people like immature brats.
And to top it all off, I have mother freaking injections tomorrow don't I? I'm not scared of them, but they're not particularly nice.
The only thing I know is that snow is awesome, but can really be a pain in the butt.
What do you think world?
B x

Friday 3 February 2012

Crush's and relationships

Right, lets get one thing straight world. Boys and Girls are quite similar in the way they act towards the opposite (or same depending on your preferences) sex. You just need to know HOW to act towards them.  None of this Men are from Mars and Women and from Venus crap, that's just a load of bull. The only difference is in the sexual organs.
I know this may sound cliched, but seriously just BE YOURSELF. If you aren't yourself, the other person could fall into a false sense of security. Just chillax, and if the other person doesn't like you for who you are then they're not good enough for you anyways.
For instance, if you feel more confident wearing make-up, then do it. Don't listen to anyone who says that you're being to fake for wearing foundation,  it's only if YOU feel comfortable wearing it.
I'm not saying you should put on 5 inches of the stuff on your face, but apply the way it feels most natural.
That's what I've learnt anyways. You should make a bit of an effort though. If you are planning on talking to the person you like and don't put on deodorant or something like that, spritz a bit on. It can make a lot of difference. Dunno who wouldn't wear deodorant though, that's just gross.
Got it? Okay. Comment if you have an account!
B x

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Dark times Part 2

So re-reading the last blog, I realized it was a bit more slit your wrists than I wanted. But no matter.
Today, I wanna be all soppy and apologize to one of (or several of) my friends that I've hurt during that time.
You have no idea just how crappy I felt today, I literally couldn't concentrate it any of my classes because I was regretting so much of what I did. I still stand by some of my thoughts, but a lot less than what I used to think.
To Laura: I was jealous because you had someone who generally loved you and cared for you when I was all alone. I am really happy for you and Oli, and don't think for a second that I would ever hate you or post something bad about you. I hope you have a good anniversary today!
To Mariyah: I think you may be pissed at me, maybe because I went against some of the stuff I said. I wanna say I'm sorry if maybe sometimes I don't seem clear. I just hope that we can still be friends as we've become closer in these last few months.
To Alice: (what happened in June) I've been reflecting over my actions back then and you were not the only one acting up. I realized that to create a battle there must be 2 sides, and I think that I was over reacting.
To all the friends of Laura and Mariyah, if I've offended any of you or made you unhappy that I upset of of your friends, I am really sorry. I had no idea what I was really saying and about the impacts it had.
Phew, that clear my mind a bit. World, if you have a dark moment in your life, take time out to reflect over it. Isolate yourself for a couple of days so you don't end up doing something you'll regret. That's my advice anyways.
So I was contemplating last night about all of these things that I've done and then I came to, like, and epiphany:
Nobody is perfect, and only you can get yourself out of the trouble you've caused, Try and go into solving problems with a positive attitude and if it turns out to be worse than you've expected, then at least be grateful for what you've got.
B x

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Dark times...

Okay, so I'm gonna tell you about a particularly dark time for me. Don't worry, I'm not gonna go all soppy and make you want to hang yourself or anything.
World, I just feel I should warn you. If you are going through a dark time, just remember: Be yourself!
Okay so here it is (this may be long):
It all started when I was coming back from the Clothes show live in Birmingham. We were on the coach, as it was just pulling into the school. I went to my mother's car, where she was on the phone talking to my auntie, and she was saying the the ambulance was at my grandmother's house. After my mum got off the phone, I asked her what it was about, and she said "Oh, the ambulance couldn't get hold of (my) dad, so they rung Sue to tell her that Granny had a fall. I'll take you home now".
But, I objected. I wanted to see if my granny was alright, after all my Gran and I were quite close. So we arrive at Halifax house (where she was living, and happy to live at that) and we made her way to the flat she was staying in. We see a police officer as we are walking down that hallway, and he starts to make his way down.
My mother asks him "Is everything alright? You called my sister in law about a fall?" The police officer then delivers the piece of news which is why you are reading this blog right now:
"I was called here because residents here rang me, and I'm afraid, she has passed away".
My soul ripped in half. I could feel it running all the way down my chest, up my back and through my arms. My mother and I turned around simultaneously and broke down crying. No offense to anyone out there, but you have no idea just how painful it is until it's happened to you.
The officer gave us details, but I wasn't listening. There was only one thing going round my mind at that moment, which was "Granny, granny, granny...".
My mother had to break the news to my dad and my auntie. One piece of information you should know, is that my grandpa (dad's dad) died when my dad was just 18.
Could you imagine, having to tell 2 children that their only remaining parent has just died. I gained to much respect for my mother, even more than what I already had.
We told my brother when we went back home to come and get him. I've only seen him cry twice in 7 years, and this was the second time.
My dad eventually arrived, and we had a moment. This was the very first time I've ever seen my dad cry.
My aunt arrived the next day, and my uncle (from Australia and my dad's younger brother) on Wednesday.
I had to tell my friends what happened on Wednesday.
I was dreading this part the most, because I knew that as soon as I would tell them, all the memories from that day would come rushing back to me. But everyone was supportive, as well as the teachers.
When I got plunged into this madness, was when I went to see her in the chapel of rest. My auntie warned me that I shouldn't go, but I wanted to see my Gran just for one last time before she was lost forever.
To compromise, we put a lace cloth over her. Just so I could see her, that Granny that I remembered so fondly and not the things that death had put in that place.
I went with my dad, the room was lit with candles and the room was sprayed with her perfume. As soon as I went in and saw the coffin, my eyes welled, I felt like my chest was expanding and I started crying. As did my dad. We both choked up, and had a father-daughter moment.
It was my Gran, lifeless. I was almost expecting her to jump up at me, and yell "BOO!".
But she didn't.
Of course the funeral was upsetting too, especially when I said my goodbye. It was horrible and painful, but I know (cheesy line, but it's true) that she will always be with me. Always a part of my memories and life.
When the christmas holidays rolled around, and my aunt and uncle went back to their homes, I started to feel low. I didn't want to talk, I just wanted to be by myself. Even though I had supportive friends and family, I felt like I was all alone. Looking at the world through a plastic bubble, totally isolated, I was bored, sad, and unhappy. Grieving, but it was horrible.
On the 27th, my mind went into this very, very dark place. I started to wonder about questions, thinking about what it would be like to be dead, how people would react. At one point, I thought of what it would be like if I committed suicide, but I thought that there was no point because nobody would care enough to find me.
From the 27th-28th, my mind was blank, only thinking about dark, hopeless topics. I wondered if humanity was dead. I thought nobody cared about me, nobody knew me, and nobody would ever want to love me.
But I managed to snap out of it. With a lot of help from music and from myself. Basically, I was at my desk doing revision when I looked at a pair of scissors. I thought "Hmmm, I wonder how sharp the blades are". So I picked it up, felt it and pressed it to my wrists. As soon as I began to press down, I immediately thought "What the hell am I doing?!". I dropped them, and ran downstairs. I turned on the radio (my parents weren't home) full blast and blew out the thoughts in my head. Over the next couple of days, I learned to accept natures cycle and that everything comes at a cost.
Even though I am still grieving.
When I was in this dark place, I said and did a lot of things I really shouldn't have. I wish I could take them back, but nobody's perfect. To anybody I've hurt, I'm sorry. I was just probably jealous that you had your happiness.
Just remember world, nobody, and I mean NOBODY can pull yourself out of a dark world but yourself. You just have to find the will power to do it.
I wanna dedicate this next passage to my Gran (soppy I know, but let me have my moment, haha):
When I was 6, I remember the first time I was really scared. It wasn't of spiders or clowns, or anything else a typical 6 year old would be scared of.
It was of my Granny falling.
She was stepping off the curb and she started to sway. I heard my dad shout "Mum, look out!" That's when I turned around, closed my eyes and covered my ears.
I didn't want to see my Granny getting hurt.
Now that she's gone, I guess I don't have to be scared anymore. But I would give anything, say anything or do anything to be scared like that again.
And even though my soul is ripped in half, I know that my granny is up in heaven smiling down at me.
My angel, we were so close. It's so hard knowing that you're not with us anymore. I'm glad at least that you're in a better place where God is taking care of you.
Just remember that your Granddaughter loves you. And will love you for eternity.
B x

Monday 30 January 2012


Okay, so I'm happy for them and everything. And it's not couples that annoy me overall, but it's the ones that post their relationship all over the internet. Like the sort of lovey dovey stuff that physically make you cringe.
For instance, I know this girl who just recently got a boyfriend (like a month ago or something), and she already says she's in love. So does the boyfriend, to quote his words, they are "very much in love".
So I talk to this guy on facebook quite a bit because we're mates and we get along (I've also met up with him a couple of times). We have loadsa stuff in common, and she starts getting jealous. So she starts posting on his wall "Baby I love you so much, don't ever leave me, my life isn't complete without you..." with a billion x's on the end. I was sitting there with this smug look on my face, thinking how pathetic it is that a boyfriend can't have any girl mates. 
If I ever get another boyfriend, I would mind if he hung around with other girls, just like I hang around with other guys.
Especially when it came up to their anniversary, they posted a 3 paragraph essay on how much they love each other and how they want to spend the rest of their lives together. Okay, no jokes right, the passage that the guy sent to the girl actually made me PHYSICALLY cringe, it was that cheesy. 
Also when I first met up with him, I was trying to talk to him but I couldn't see his face because hers was is the way. And he was just kissing her on the cheek the whole time?! Talk about making me slit my wrists. 
Sorry for going on a bit of a rant world, it's just stuff like that really irks me. But to all the non-lovey dovey happy couples out there, congrats to you all. I hope you have a great relationship!
B x

Sunday 29 January 2012

Gay people?

This is always a long drawn out debate about whether homosexuality is wrong.
Personally, I think it's wrong. Well not wrong, it just doesn't appeal to me(duh). But I don't mind gay people whatsoever. Personally, I  think that, as a heterosexual, that men are right for me.
Of course that's not everyone's cup of tea.
Of course, I also think that gay people have right to get married and have the same rights that heterosexuals have. I hate how all the people who hates homosexuals are so against them having the same rights as we do (e.g. The Westboro baptist church) that they actually go out of their way to stop them from being who they are.
Now that, ladies and gentlemen, is NOT right. What do you think world?
B x

Computer games, etc.

Okay, when you get to my age, computer games are dorky.
Which is true enough, I mean computer games are for children aged 6-11 and perhaps 40 year old virgins.
But COME ON they're fun. You gotta admit it world, computer games are the shit.
They may not be for everybody, but the people who don't like them are boring and need to be shown a good time by playing a computer game.
Not saying that I play them, because I really don't. I'd much rather be writing in a blog or talking a the phone to my friends.
But it's such a good time killer, especially when you're bored as hell. Just play a good computer game if you have nothing to do.
Like Get the Glass. Such a crappy, yet addictive game. Or Sims 3. Also one of the worst games ever, but it's so much fun!
So that's the moral of this blog, world. Computer games may be nerdy, but they're a hell of a lot of fun.
B x

Injections and stuff

I have NO idea why people are so scared of them.
To be honest, it's just a pin going through your skin (hey, that rhymes). And at the end of the day it helps you become immune to some pretty nasty diseases and viruses.
I think it would be worse actually GETTING the virus/disease then having the injection that will help prevent the disease.
For example, I have jabs coming up on the 6th of February, and I am one of the only people who are not scared of it. The rest of the girls (and even some of the boys) are running round the school going "Oh my God, I'm so scared!". It's a week until we have the things, can you calm the hell down please?
So in year 8, a long long time ago, the girls had this cervical cancer jab. This one was optional, so some of the girls didn't apply. But then ones who did, you would think were not too bothered.
WRONG. My friend and I were the ONLY ones who weren't freaking out. Everybody else was crying, shaking and some of them even passed out. BEFORE the injections actually happened.
Come on girl, really? It's just a needle, not a flesh eating zombie.
I dunno world, sometimes I just think the human race is too, what's the word... Weak? Vulnerable?
Apart from the one who go to war that is. They're brave and I admire them because I know I wouldn't have the guts to do that.
That's why I'm not scared of a pin, because there is so many worse events going on in this world. I mean, war doesn't exactly compare to an injection now does it? You can't get an injection for dying.
Comment and tell me what you think!
B x

Saturday 28 January 2012


Girls and Boys, we've all tried them. Even I have and I'm only 14, but the truth is? None of them actually work!
I've done a diet which actually works though. It's not to do with low calories or reducing the amount of carbohydrates, no no no.
My secret? Exercise!
Yes, that dreaded word, feared by most women. And some men.
But I'm telling you, it works. Plus, don't eat crap! Only eat crap on special occasions (e.g. Christmas, Birthdays, maybe even every Friday give yourself a small treat).
That would be my advice anyways.
To all the girls who may be reading this- it's tough isn't it? I know that all girls say this, the world is so cruel, yada-yada-yada. Granted men probably have it just as tough.
I think it's hard for all human beings, isn't it world? All the pressure we're under to look skinny like anorexic models (and manorexic models too) just to become socially acceptable.
Things is though, girls are easily tempted. Not many of us have the strength to say "No" to a chocolate bar and smack it cross the face (apart from the ones who don't like chocolate, which in that case it's cake/biscuits).
Am I right or am I right?
Sigh, I dunno. I just stick to one motto world, which is what the rest of you should stick to as well:
"Live life with no worries, otherwise you're dead while living".
Alright isn't it? Just think about that world!
B xxxx

The River's Natural flow

Alright world?
Thanks for taking you time to read this blog, even if it may be pointless. 
I'm Bella Rivers, a 14 year old student who likes to speak her mind through the world of the internet (and through other people). 
Master manipulator (maybe not!), hopefully you'll be drawn into my blog as I have loads of stuff I like to talk about (being a natural chatter-box). 
Comment if you want, nobody's forcing you! I will update everyday, unless I forget which in that case it will be once a year. 
But that won't happen! 
I'll be on tomorrow! 
Love B