Sunday 29 January 2012

Injections and stuff

I have NO idea why people are so scared of them.
To be honest, it's just a pin going through your skin (hey, that rhymes). And at the end of the day it helps you become immune to some pretty nasty diseases and viruses.
I think it would be worse actually GETTING the virus/disease then having the injection that will help prevent the disease.
For example, I have jabs coming up on the 6th of February, and I am one of the only people who are not scared of it. The rest of the girls (and even some of the boys) are running round the school going "Oh my God, I'm so scared!". It's a week until we have the things, can you calm the hell down please?
So in year 8, a long long time ago, the girls had this cervical cancer jab. This one was optional, so some of the girls didn't apply. But then ones who did, you would think were not too bothered.
WRONG. My friend and I were the ONLY ones who weren't freaking out. Everybody else was crying, shaking and some of them even passed out. BEFORE the injections actually happened.
Come on girl, really? It's just a needle, not a flesh eating zombie.
I dunno world, sometimes I just think the human race is too, what's the word... Weak? Vulnerable?
Apart from the one who go to war that is. They're brave and I admire them because I know I wouldn't have the guts to do that.
That's why I'm not scared of a pin, because there is so many worse events going on in this world. I mean, war doesn't exactly compare to an injection now does it? You can't get an injection for dying.
Comment and tell me what you think!
B x

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