Friday 3 February 2012

Crush's and relationships

Right, lets get one thing straight world. Boys and Girls are quite similar in the way they act towards the opposite (or same depending on your preferences) sex. You just need to know HOW to act towards them.  None of this Men are from Mars and Women and from Venus crap, that's just a load of bull. The only difference is in the sexual organs.
I know this may sound cliched, but seriously just BE YOURSELF. If you aren't yourself, the other person could fall into a false sense of security. Just chillax, and if the other person doesn't like you for who you are then they're not good enough for you anyways.
For instance, if you feel more confident wearing make-up, then do it. Don't listen to anyone who says that you're being to fake for wearing foundation,  it's only if YOU feel comfortable wearing it.
I'm not saying you should put on 5 inches of the stuff on your face, but apply the way it feels most natural.
That's what I've learnt anyways. You should make a bit of an effort though. If you are planning on talking to the person you like and don't put on deodorant or something like that, spritz a bit on. It can make a lot of difference. Dunno who wouldn't wear deodorant though, that's just gross.
Got it? Okay. Comment if you have an account!
B x

1 comment:

  1. I am sending in your relationship columnist application into the Daily Mail with immediate effect.
