Wednesday 1 February 2012

Dark times Part 2

So re-reading the last blog, I realized it was a bit more slit your wrists than I wanted. But no matter.
Today, I wanna be all soppy and apologize to one of (or several of) my friends that I've hurt during that time.
You have no idea just how crappy I felt today, I literally couldn't concentrate it any of my classes because I was regretting so much of what I did. I still stand by some of my thoughts, but a lot less than what I used to think.
To Laura: I was jealous because you had someone who generally loved you and cared for you when I was all alone. I am really happy for you and Oli, and don't think for a second that I would ever hate you or post something bad about you. I hope you have a good anniversary today!
To Mariyah: I think you may be pissed at me, maybe because I went against some of the stuff I said. I wanna say I'm sorry if maybe sometimes I don't seem clear. I just hope that we can still be friends as we've become closer in these last few months.
To Alice: (what happened in June) I've been reflecting over my actions back then and you were not the only one acting up. I realized that to create a battle there must be 2 sides, and I think that I was over reacting.
To all the friends of Laura and Mariyah, if I've offended any of you or made you unhappy that I upset of of your friends, I am really sorry. I had no idea what I was really saying and about the impacts it had.
Phew, that clear my mind a bit. World, if you have a dark moment in your life, take time out to reflect over it. Isolate yourself for a couple of days so you don't end up doing something you'll regret. That's my advice anyways.
So I was contemplating last night about all of these things that I've done and then I came to, like, and epiphany:
Nobody is perfect, and only you can get yourself out of the trouble you've caused, Try and go into solving problems with a positive attitude and if it turns out to be worse than you've expected, then at least be grateful for what you've got.
B x

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